My experience here has left me speechless. I can’t believe how everything came together. The trip was utterly perfect in every sense. I want to thank everyone I have met along the way. I have met some amazing life-long friends.
I am so happy to have found something meaningful that I can devote my time to. To me, there isn’t a general “purpose in life”; questions like, “why are we here?” and “what is the meaning of life?”. These are questions that will never be answered. Great minds in the past have tried to tackle them unsuccessfully. Everyone has personal purposes. What my purpose is today, might not be my purpose tomorrow. You are here, and what you do with your time is your decision. Experience life as much as you can, while you can, and in the process try to leave the planet a better place. That is my purpose today.
Thank you all for joining me in this journey. Please keep checking Friendly Drifter for updates on “Clean Raja Ampat”, and the volunteer program. We have just scratched the surface, there are many possibilities. I am excited for what’s to come.