The most ordinary thing is beautiful here. The next day I made the crossing from the east to the west coast. The water was like glass that morning. I think the crossing is around 8 kms. I stopped at what I thought was the halfway point. I turned around to see how far I have come. As I do this, I realize how quiet it is. No wind, no birds…nothing. I was even afraid to breathe knowing that it would break the silence. Then about 500 meters off my starboard side, a group of fish jump, breaking the water and the silence with it. Instantly, I knew this would be a moment one does not forget. All of a sudden I had new found energy. Without breaking rhythm, I paddled for the next 30 minutes; I was in the zone as they call it. As I paddle, the water starts to remind me of syrup…am I moving? Sometimes it’s hard to tell with no visuals. I become obsessed with staring at leafs and twigs in the water for confirmation that yes, I am going somewhere.