Dave passes the Ocean Rescue Run halfway mark nearing his way into Oregon! We encountered a bit more excitement this last while than usual so read on! A long post due to our lack of internet access this past while…
Dave passes the Ocean Rescue Run halfway mark nearing his way into Oregon! We encountered a bit more excitement this last while than usual so read on! A long post due to our lack of internet access this past while…
May 15th, 2016 (Day 28)
total distance completed: 50.20 km / 31.19 miles
start: Willits, CA
stop: Bowman Place, CA
ran by: Laytonville
total distance achieved to date: 1226.05 km / 761.83 miles
Dave got picked up by the po-po today!! Ok well that’s not entirely true. Here is the real story: Dave started his run in the morning as usual. I met him for the first break and then when it was over I left him to go into town as I needed to pick up a few things. Unfortunately after Dave started running again the highway turned into an interstate. Sometimes the interstates have signs prohibiting pedestrians however sometimes they do not. This one didn’t so Dave continued on as per usual. A short while later Dave got stopped by a state trooper. The state trooper explained that sign or not, unfortunately pedestrians were not legally allowed on the interstate (they are too busy, too dangerous, and usually lack a decent shoulder). Long story short Dave was driven a few miles down the road to where the interstate ended and then he continued to run from there; this was after he was given a good pat down from the officer. It took me a while to figure out where he had gone as we didn’t have reception, but in the end I tracked his skinny little behind (running 50-60 km a day is a guaranteed weight loss plan) down and we got back on track.
May 16th, 2016 (Day 29)
total distance completed: 53.52 km / 33.26 miles
start: Bowman Place, CA
stop: Phillipsville, CA
ran by: Leggett, Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area, Smith Redwoods State Reserve, and Cooks Valley
total distance achieved to date: 1279.57 km / 795.09 miles
The daily routine Dave and I settled into seems to still be working well to which we are more than pleased. Dave has an interview with a journalist from the Times Standard in Eureka lined up which is great. We also have had contact with a journalist in Brookings, Oregon which is a town just past the border after Dave crosses from California in to Oregon. We are both starting to feel the finish line faster and faster approaching and I think this has given Dave a little bit of a boost, helping him push through a little longer and farther on the days. Passing the middle point of something feels like you are over the hump and on the downhill towards home. I’m not sure if literally there will be a lot of downhills in Dave’s trek from now on but here’s hoping!
May 17th, 2016 (Day 30)
total distance completed: 51.42 km / 31.95 miles
start: Phillipsville, CA
stop: just south of Scotia, CA
ran by: Miranda, Myers Flat, and Humboldt Redwoods State Park
total distance achieved to date: 1330.99 km / 827.04 miles
Today was definitely one for the books and although we have both seen really amazing landscapes on this entire trip we both agreed that this area was one that stood out the most, possibly above all the others. Dave spent the day running, and me driving, under the umbrella of towering Redwoods all day. They really do leave you awestruck and unfortunately the feeling it gives you, similar to Raja Ampat, Indonesia, is hard to comprehend without seeing it for yourself. I can describe it to you and direct you to some pictures but I don’t even think that a writer such as the likes of Dickens or Frost could do these majestic trees the justice they deserve. The trees themselves and the habitat in which they exist is fascinating. This is a place where feeling small is a welcomed state. It is hard sometimes to put in all this hard work doing what Dave is doing but being in this nature reminds us why he is.
John Steinbeck once wrote: “The Redwoods once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always… from them comes silence and awe. The most irreverent of men, in the presence of Redwoods, goes under a spell of wonder and respect.”
May 18th, 2016 (Day 31)
total distance completed: 47.02 km / 29.22 miles
start: just south of Scotia, CA
stop: Eureka, CA
ran by: Rio Dell, Fortuna, and Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
total distance achieved to date: 1378.01 km / 856.26 miles
The day before a rest day brings an interesting mix of feelings. It’s a good day because Dave is reminded that the next day he gets to sleep in, relax, and basically do whatever he wants. However, it is also a little difficult to get through because Dave is tired from the string of days before. Today it was helpful that we were making it in to Eureka that evening so there was a clear finish line for Dave to focus on. Dave probably could’ve continued running longer in order to gain some more distance, however the next stretch was a longer one that was comprised of a series of bridges out of Eureka and into Arcata that would’ve made his day much longer than was probably good for him; it’s a constant balancing act of knowing when to push and when to fold for the day. Dave has been feeling good and doing well using the new running strategy but by the time the rest day hits he can definitely feel the need for time off.
May 19th, 2016 (Day 32) – rest day
We spent our rest day in Eureka, CA. This worked out well because a journalist, Hunter Creswell, picked up Dave’s story and we were able to meet with him in person for an interview that went in the Times Standard. Thank you Hunter! It is really encouraging to get picked up by the press and getting Dave’s hard work and story out there. We relaxed for the day and visited the Carson Mansion which was really neat to see in person; we both liked Eureka for all of it’s Victorian architecture. We both agreed that the best part of rest days is getting to sleep in until whenever we feel like getting up!
May 20th, 2016 (Day 33)
total distance completed: 56.82 km / 35.31 miles
start: Eureka, CA
stop: just south of Orick, CA
ran by: Woodley Island, Indian Island, Arcata, Humbodlt State University, McKinleyville, Clam Beach, Trinidad, Patricks Point, and the Big Lagoon
total distance achieved to date: 1434.83 km / 891.56 miles
We had to navigate our route a little more carefully today. I mistakenly thought we would have more trouble with Dave’s route before we got to San Francisco as most areas were busier and the towns bigger. However, his route proved to be easier as there were a lot of sidewalks for him to run on and a great deal of designated running paths as well; that being said the driving was more stressful for me. Once we passed San Francisco, planning our route got a little bit trickier. There are a lot more direct routes available along the highway, however, when the highway turns into interstate (usually indicated by two lanes in both directions and double lines down the middle) only vehicles and cyclists are allowed; pedestrians are not. In order to make sure we are taking the best route we do two things:
1. map out the route together using Google maps
2. I drive up ahead of Dave in order to see if he in the clear for running the route. If the highway turns into interstate there is usually a scenic route or other road that runs alongside it which is what we end up taking.
Dave recommends that anyone making this journey take the scenic routes whenever possible as we have stumbled upon some cute little towns with interesting history and the views tend to be more spectacular as well.
May 21st, 2016 (Day 34)
total distance completed: 56.31 km / 34.99 miles
start: just south of Orick, CA
stop: between Crescent City and False Klamath, CA (in the Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park)
ran through: Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Klamath, Trees of Mystery
total distance achieved to date: 1491.14 km / 926.55 miles
Today was a rainy one. It’s amazing how, at the 50-60 km daily rate that Dave runs, we can see such a drastic change in both weather and landscape from one day to another. The terrain was mostly flat however there were a lot of open areas so Dave was quite wet for most of the time. There were a lot of elk in this area and it is always nice to see wildlife along the route. Dave was totally a trooper as he never complained even though he was rained on for most of the day; recurring theme = Dave never complains. I remember having a conversation before we left on this trek about Dave bringing rain gear with him for the run to which Dave responded: “Babe, we’re not running through Vancouver ok; it’s not like here.” As the good girlfriend that I am I won’t say “I told you so.” 🙂 We can definitely tell we are close to Oregon which is a nice feeling. Although I’m not a fan of Dave getting rained on, the weather and terrain does remind me of home; a welcome feeling having been on the road for this long.
To raise awareness on the effects of plastic waste in our oceans and funds for waste management solutions in Raja Ampat, Friendly Drifter Co-Founder David Pennington began the Ocean Rescue Run on April 18th, 2016 at the US/Mexican border and will end in Vancouver, Canada. The route for the run along the Pacific Coast Highway was chosen to connect ocean coasts, remove international boundaries and bring attention to this global issue. “Some of our western technologies, plastic culture and production have had serious negative impacts on the environment, all over the world. I feel we have a responsibility to create solutions for areas ill-equipped to deal with the waste issues.” states David.
The Ocean Rescue Run is approximately 2700 km / 1740 miles. If you have the means and wish to participate please visit the Go Fund Me website. Additional details and more information on our program can be located on our Home and Participate pages. News and articles can be found on the Media link.
Thank you!