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My Recovery is coming along nicely. I was diagnosed with a staph infection on my left foot during the last phases of the Ocean Rescue Run. The infection has now subsided but the wound itself is still healing. I was given antibiotics via IV daily for 6 days. This dramatically reduced the swelling. I was then given oral antibiotics to be taken over the next 10 days. The decision made to postpone the completion of the run and come home was the right one.  Staph infections can easily get out of hand and the infection got worse every day until I received the IV at home.

I am proud of what was accomplished. Not only the distance covered on the run, but the amount of exposure we received. Thank you to everyone who shared our story and helped get the word out. Those people made it all worthwhile. I also want to give a very special and big thank you to Kate. She suspended her life for a time to help someone else reach their goals. She was amazing during the run and played a big part in the decision making processes.

I have now started my seasonal job; which will last 3-4 months. We are at the beginning stages of revamping the Friendly Drifter website to make it more user friendly. Friendly Drifter will also be publishing a children’s book. We hope to have it completed within a year. The book will be an interactive experience; along with a story we will provide school material. The book will be both in Indonesian and English allowing children exposure and practice with English. If any of our readers have connections with writers, artists or publishers who would like to participate, please contact us.

Photos from seasonal job location in northwest Canada.

Over the summer the Friendly Drifter blog will be focused on global environmental concerns; focusing mainly on SE Asia. In the fall I will be traveling back to Raja Ampat – I will be sure to take malaria pills this time around!

Additional photos from seasonal job location in northwest Canada.

Friendly Drifter was created to raise awareness on the effects of plastic waste in our oceans and funds for waste management solutions in Raja Ampat, Indoensia.  Plastic waste is a global issue; some of our western technologies, plastic culture and production have had serious negative impacts on the environment. I feel we have a responsibility to create solutions for areas ill-equipped to deal with the waste issues.

Additional details and more information on our programs can be located on our Home and Participate pages.  News and articles can be found on the Media link.

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